Cyber Security Training Online

Certified Industrial Cybersecurity Professional

The best way to get Cyber Security Training online for Industrial Control Systems (ICS), is via Abhisam’s new Industrial Cybersecurity e-learning course. If you are an engineer or technical professional who is working in areas of Instrumentation, Control Systems, Automation or Safety in any kind of industry, then you must understand and be competent in ICS Security.

Industrial Control Systems (ICS for short) are used extensively in all kinds of industries and sectors today, not just in manufacturing. You can find these kind of control and automation systems in oil fields, power generation plants, water distribution networks, gas distribution pipelines, waste water treatment plants, building automation systems and more. These systems may be DCS (Distributed Control Systems), PLC (Programmable Logic Controller), SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition systems), SIS (Safety Instrumented Systems) or PC based control systems. These could also be specialized systems such as HIPPS (High Integrity Pressure Protection Systems) or BMS (Burner Management Systems). All these systems need to be secure against cyber attacks from state and non state actors. Many of these systems are legacy systems, that are decades old with little or no security inbuilt. What’s worse is that the newer systems, introduced recently are also not any better from the view point of cyber security.

This course is meant for those industrial professionals, who work in industry and would like to learn and get qualified in ICS Security, as well as those IT cybersecurity professionals, who would like to learn about control system security. Note that IT systems and Industrial Control Systems are completely different and thus need different approaches to securing them. What is relevant and good for a business IT system (such as a SAP based ERP system) for security, may not be relevant or in some cases downright dangerous for a system like a SCADA or a DCS.

cyber security training online

The best way to get a good grasp of this complex subject is via Abhisam’s Industrial Cybersecurity training course. This e-learning course, which is available online in Abhisam’s popular XPRTU format, is composed on text, animations, videos and exercises alongwith ready made templates and a case study of a cyber attack on a Nuclear Fuel enrichment plant. This course can be taken online on Abhisam’s new learning portal at

After you complete this online course, you can take the associated exam and on passing, earn a Certificate of Competency in ICS Cybersecurity as well as an electronic badge, issued via Badgr, the world’s largest badge issuer. You also become a Certified Industrial Cybersecurity Professional (CICP) if you meet certain eligibility criteria that includes a minimum 3 years of industrial experience.

You can display your badge on professional portals such as LinkedIn as well as on social networks like Facebook. This enhances your profile and gives you an excellent opportunity to showcase your new skills to potential employers and clients.